Solution AD: Active Damp Heat Herbal Supplement



Active, chronic, red, weeping/moist, itchy dermatitis: CMD Pet Solutions formulates 6 different herbal supplements to help support healthier skin in animals that suffer with atopic dermatitis. Solution AD: Active Damp Heat is the herbal supplement to choose if your pet suffers with wet type atopic dermatitis. This type of eczema presents with weeping and crusting of lesions and is often seen in more damp/humid climates. The skin will be red and itchy (as in most cases of dermatitis) and may look moist and eroded. The skin may even feel wet or damp. Sometimes you will see the dried fluid show up as a golden yellow crust. This kind of dermatitis gets infected easily.

In Chinese Medicine Dermatology we refer to this wet type of atopic dermatitis presentation as Damp Heat. Our supplement Solution AD: Active Damp Heat is formulated with herbs that are known to Clear Heat, Resolve Damp, and Stop Itch. If lesions are always dry, choose Solution AD: Active Hot Blood instead. **

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Active, chronic, red, weeping/moist, itchy dermatitis: CMD Pet Solutions formulates 6 different herbal supplements to help support healthier skin in animals that suffer with atopic dermatitis. Solution AD: Active Damp Heat is the herbal supplement to choose if your pet suffers with wet type atopic dermatitis. This type of eczema presents with weeping and crusting of lesions and is often seen in more damp/humid climates. The skin will be red and itchy (as in most cases of dermatitis) and may look moist and eroded. The skin may even feel wet or damp. Sometimes you will see the dried fluid show up as a golden yellow crust. This kind of dermatitis gets infected easily.

In Chinese Medicine Dermatology we refer to this wet type of atopic dermatitis presentation as Damp Heat. Our supplement Solution AD: Active Damp Heat is formulated with herbs that are known to Clear Heat, Resolve Damp, and Stop Itch. If lesions are always dry, choose Solution AD: Active Hot Blood instead. **


Active, chronic, red, weeping/moist, itchy dermatitis: CMD Pet Solutions formulates 6 different herbal supplements to help support healthier skin in animals that suffer with atopic dermatitis. Solution AD: Active Damp Heat is the herbal supplement to choose if your pet suffers with wet type atopic dermatitis. This type of eczema presents with weeping and crusting of lesions and is often seen in more damp/humid climates. The skin will be red and itchy (as in most cases of dermatitis) and may look moist and eroded. The skin may even feel wet or damp. Sometimes you will see the dried fluid show up as a golden yellow crust. This kind of dermatitis gets infected easily.

In Chinese Medicine Dermatology we refer to this wet type of atopic dermatitis presentation as Damp Heat. Our supplement Solution AD: Active Damp Heat is formulated with herbs that are known to Clear Heat, Resolve Damp, and Stop Itch. If lesions are always dry, choose Solution AD: Active Hot Blood instead. **

  • To support healthier skin in your dog, cat, or rabbit, add the herbal supplement to their food or give by mouth via oral syringe.

    For most cases, adding the granules directly to your pet's meal (twice per day) is easiest. Herbs can taste bitter to your pet, so you may need to mix with extra tasty food or broth. Introduce the supplement slowly by starting with a smaller amount at first and gradually increasing it as they get used to the new flavor in their food.

    For pickier eaters, give herbs via oral syringe. First dissolve the herbal supplement in hot water. We recommend approximately 2ml of water per gram of herbal supplement (our oral syringes have measurement marks on them to make this easy). In a small bowl or shot glass, add herbal supplement to hot water and stir. Allow a few minutes for herbal supplement to fully dissolve before drawing the liquid mixture up into the syringe. Place syringe in the pocket between your pet’s teeth and cheek, angled toward the back of their mouth and gently depress the plunger at a slow, even rate.

    Suggested dose based on pet’s body weight:

    Under 10 lbs: 0.5g 2x/day

    10 - 25 lbs: 1g 2x/day

    25 - 50 lbs: 1 - 2g 2x/day

    50 - 75 lbs: 2 - 3g 2x/day

    75 - 100 lbs: 3g 2x/day

    over 100 lbs: 4g 2x/day

    or as recommended by your veterinarian. Older and weaker pets should be given smaller doses. Safe use in pregnant or breeding animals has not been proven. Examination by veterinarian is recommended prior to use of this product.

  • This herbal supplement is composed of concentrated granules made from water extracts of the following herbs:

    Oriental wormwood (Herba Artemisiae Scopariae), Poria (Sclerotum Poriae Cocos), Rhemannia root (Radix Rhemanniae), Tribulus fruit (Fructus Tribuli), Dictamnus root bark (Cortex Dictamni), Kochia fruit (Fructus Kochiae), Red atractylodis root (Rhizoma Atractylodis), Scutellaria root (Radix Scutellariae), Gardenia fruit (Fructus Gardeniae), Gentian root (Radix Gentianae), Sophora root (Radix Sophorae Flavescentis), Tree peony root bark (Cortex Moutan), Licorice root (Radix Glycyrrhizae)

  • Solution AD: Active Damp Heat herbal supplement is designed to be used with matching external products for best results. Sprinkle Solution AD: Damp Heat Topical Powder on wet lesions as often as necessary to help absorb the exudate. If lesions do not weep, apply Solution AD: Damp Heat Ointment to affected skin 3 times daily.

    CMD Pet Solutions formulates 6 different herbal supplements to help support healthier skin in animals that suffer with atopic dermatitis. Once itching, weeping/crusting, and redness have decreased, you can switch your pet’s internal supplement from Solution AD: Active Damp Heat to Solution AD: Stabilize Damp Heat for 4 weeks. Once your pet's skin is stable (no longer itchy or red at all), it will be useful to switch to our Solution AD: Maintain for continued support to keep vulnerable atopic dermatitis skin from deteriorating in the future.

**For best results, combine use of these products with professional care from a licensed veterinarian. These products and statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your veterinarian.  Many skin diseases have similar symptoms and can look alike to the untrained eye.  Some skin conditions can be serious.  Some require pharmaceutical treatment and regular monitoring.  If you are not certain what is causing your pet’s skin symptoms, seek professional veterinary care for your pet before trying to solve the problem yourself.  Proper diagnosis is vital to choosing the most effective treatment.